Storyline: Inspired by Narendra Modi�s childhood, this short film has a strong social message. A 32-minute short film titled Chalo Jeete Hain, screened on Wednesday (25 July 2018) at the GMC Balayogi auditorium by vice president M Venkaiah Naidu, is more remarkable for the social message it carries than the fact that it is inspired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi�s childhood days.
The film is essentially centered on deep-seated caste prejudices that glaringly exist among Hindus, much to the discomfiture of a young lad called �Naru� (the abbreviated name of Narendra). It revolts Naru�s sense of justice to see a boy from a scheduled caste denied education on account of his penury. The travails of the members of the scheduled caste and society�s apathy towards them is boldly depicted in the movie.
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